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balitz Method

A member registered Sep 30, 2016

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The parser-based descriptions sometimes spit out weird-sounding sentences. For instance you can give a male companion/peon/slave whatever giant breasts but the parser might describe their body as "manly".  It'd probably be worth going through to ensure that it's throwing out descriptions based on their proportions rather than strict values like their sex.

There's really nothing to "argue" - that's where it came from and that's what it refers to. Slurs refer to a specific group of people in a derogatory way. The word "trap" refers only to an aesthetic in art of fictional characters and the word itself comes from a stupid joke that became a meme. A trans or gay character could -be- a trap/otoko no ko but that's not what the terms refer to. I'm not telling you what you can or can't be offended by but you should at least keep your mind open enough to hear the actual history of something before you go writing your own.
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That's a common misconception. The truth is actually much, much sillier than that: it's a reference to an old Admiral Ackbar line that would be used as a joke (oh I thought it was a girl at first but it was actually a boy etc) when westerners discovered otoko no ko art (which in itself is a silly Japanese pun). This style of art/character is one where boys look feminine enough to be sexually androgynous and may or may not include crossdressing. It's actually entirely free of implication of sexuality or gender; otoko no ko characters are depicted as liking girls, liking boys, both, crossdressing, not crossdressing, as identifying as a boy or as a girl - there's really no standard to it at all because it's an aesthetic, not something people use as an identity marker of any sort.

So anyway after that joke got so prevalent people then organically began calling otoko no ko characters "traps" and so, naturally, the reverse (a girl who's handsome enough to be sexually androgynous whether crossdressing or not) became known as a "reverse trap". That alone should tell you that it's not actually referring to some notion that the character in question is actually trying to "trap" or deceive anyone; "reverse trap" would make absolutely no sense whatsoever in that context.

The misconception is very easy to make if you're not familiar with the etymology of the term but it's not a slur. It's a goofy-but-now-it's-in-the-lexicon word for an archetype/aesthetic; it's really only used to refer to fictional characters.

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Those're definitely some encouraging thoughts. On the gameplay side one thing that has always irked me with strategy RPGs is how so few of them have towns and dungeons. Even when the story's engaging and the battling is fun and fresh between encounters running from one fight to the next without the sort of monotony-shattering breather that towns provide or the curious interest that dungeons hold can make them a trudge if you're not playing in short bursts.

I did like the challenge of navigating the maps - the she-wolves give a good indication of how you'll need to plan when, where, and if you'll take on a tough fight - and the stances do feel like they'll allow for some diverse builds once some balancing and progression is in place.

As we get to see more of your thoughts on the core femboy aspect of the game make it down "on the page", so to speak, I'd definitely consider supporting the game.

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The basis of the battle system shows merit for sure (even if it's currently in that functional-but-super-broken pre-alpha state) but I'm curious as to the bigger picture here. Love the idea - there aren't nearly enough games with femboy content that not only allow the player to -be- the femboy but focus on it - even on your patreon, though, I didn't get a good sense of what the outline is for the game as a whole.

Is there going to be a fleshed-out story to this or is it primarily planned as a roguelike with a barebones "get from here to there and have encounters along the way" sort of focus? Will there be a character creation system? Appearance/clothing customization? Dungeons and towns?

Since the release is in the style of those games that're centered on clicking around the cells of a map and repeating the same few encounters I'd like to know whether this is going to be the meat of it. One thing that bothered me was that, while I did enjoy playing around with the battle system and you're clearly having fun designing encounters to be as dynamic as possible, as of now it feels less like a femboy RPG and more a minor gimmick tacked on to a game that's about bedongled monster girls trying to rape the player into submission.

So what I'm wondering is what sort of vision you're driving towards - what, specifically, is going to make this a femboy RPG? Are we seeing a fairly accurate depiction of what the game's going to focus on (i.e. is this to be another one that's going for the Monster Girl Quest format)? If not then what else can we expect to see?

When it comes to player femboy content the primary avenues to catch the appeal are exploring the character first getting into it (the process of becoming a femboy, in other words) and/or the character playing around with it: teasing with their ambiguity, enjoying looking cute, flipping freely between 'girl' and 'boy' dynamics in different situations, with different people, and in their own thinking - that sort of thing. With what you've got there's some potential to sprinkle femboy flavoring over the sex aspect of the combat (right now it feels more emasculation focused which again presses those monster girl game over rape buttons rather than anything directly relating to femboys) but other than focusing the scenes themselves more on the main theme I do feel like there'll need to be more to the game, whether it's a story with persistent characters to banter between map crawls or a dress-up mechanic or whatever else to give you room to explore those avenues and hit on what's appealing about a RPG focused on the femboy theme.